

Each intern will be assigned a licensed psychologist as their primary supervisor from their primary site. Interns will receive a minimum of two hours of direct supervision per week from their primary supervisor, one hour of group supervision, and one-half hour of supervision per week from their minor rotation supervisor. All clients served by interns are the clinical responsibility of the licensed psychologist who is providing supervision on the case.

Each site will provide the intern an additional one- half to one full hour of supervision which may be provided through case consultation conferences, multidisciplinary team meetings, supervision of supervision etc. Please refer to individual sites for more information regarding supervision. If interns are assigned their own supervisee as part of their primary or elective rotation, interns will receive an additional hour of supervision from a licensed psychologist. Interns will receive a minimum of 2 hours of supervision each week from a licensed psychologist. Interns will receive a minimum of 4 hours of supervision each week.


Research opportunities will vary from site to site. Students may have the opportunity to participate in research projects with other professionals on site and present the results of their research project at a local, regional, or national conference. Other sites may require that the intern write a major research paper and present it to the staff/ faculty at the site.


All trainees of the consortium will receive experience in the following areas:

Psychotherapy – Each consortium site will provide interns with supervised experience. Specifically, Texas Tech provides individual therapy with children, adolescents, and adults. UTEP provides therapeutic experiences in individual, couples, and group therapy.  Interns fluent in Spanish will also receive supervised experience in providing these services in Spanish. 

Assessment – Each consortium site may provide interns with supervised experience in performing assessments.  Interns will receive training and experience in the selection, administration, and interpretation of assessment batteries to answer specific diagnostic questions. The batteries used will depend on the site chosen but may include the following areas: intelligence, achievement, and personality.

Outreach - Interns have the opportunity to provide presentations, workshops, and classes on a variety of subjects such as self-care, counseling center services, interpersonal skills, academic enhancement, and personal enrichment.  Interns will also have the opportunity to create two of their own outreach presentations which may be used to educate and inform future students, staff, and faculty.    

Didactic Training – EPPIC includes an intensive didactic training series as a major component of its core curriculum. Through these seminars, interns are exposed to empirical research, evidence-based practices, and scholarly topics that are intended to round out their academic training and to enhance their ability to apply scientific and critical thinking to their clinical work. As part of the didactic program offered through EPPIC, interns will also have the opportunity to meet and learn from fellow researchers in the field of psychology. Interns will attend presentations throughout the year given by these professionals and learn about new research that is being conducted.

  • All interns will attend mandatory didactic seminars:

    Intern Training Seminar: Interns will meet weekly to participate in informational seminars offered by EPPIC professionals and visiting professionals from El Paso universities and the community. Topics will focus on the following domains: Psychotherapy Skills, Professional Identity, Multiculturalism and Diversity, and Science-Practice Integration. Interns will also be required to present during the didactic training seminar on the findings of their major research project, dissertation, or past research.

    Multicultural Seminar: Interns will attend a one and a half hour sixteen week seminar regarding multicultural and diversity issues which is designed specifically to help interns understand their personal, ethnic, and cultural background and its impact on the client-therapist relationship. Interns will also discuss a variety of other diversity topics.

    Supervision Seminar: Each intern who is providing supervision to a practicum student will attend a weekly supervision seminar which includes didactic training in the supervision process, as well as processing and consultation regarding interns’ supervision training. Interns are expected to videotape all of their supervision sessions and have their recordings prepared for the supervision seminar.

    Assessment Seminar: A two hour assessment seminar will be held twice a month covering DSM-5 TR diagnosis, assessment, and report writing. Topics such as assessment theory, objective and projective testing, test interpretation, and report writing will be covered. Time will also be allotted for interns to discuss and consult regarding the clients they are currently assessing as they fulfill the assessment component of their internship program.

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